Is the information on CKVE.nl complete?
We try to constantly update the information on the platform and keep it up to date in response to the information known to us. However, no rights can be derived from the COVID Knowledge Centerfor Events. The information from the central government is normative.

Are the data in the Knowledge Centeralso correct with regard to new variants of the COVID-19 virus?
Fieldlab Events studies were conducted during the Delta variant. The first recommendations of May 2021 are based on this. When it is appropriate, the risk assessment model on which the recommendations are based can be adapted to the then current infection, hospitalization or death risks.

Who is responsible for the content of the COVID Knowledge Centerfor Events?
CKVE.nl is edited by the Program Team of Fieldlab Events, an initiative of the entire event sector, from business to public events and from culture to sports. The Fieldlab program has been set up in collaboration with scientists and knowledge institutions, the Top Sectors Creative Industry and Life, Sciences & Health and CLICKNL. The Fieldlab Events program is supported by the Ministries of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) and of Justice and Security (J&V).

Can I use the data from Fieldlab/CKVE?
The data and the information that have been published may be used, with reference to the source (Source: CKVE.nl). Are you absolutely sure whether you are using or interpreting things correctly? Then ask via info@ckve.nl. We aim to answer your email within 48 hours.

How do I stay informed of current developments and updates on CKVE.nl?
News can be found in the News sector on this site. Moreover, current developments are also announced as much as possible via LinkedIn and Facebook of Fieldlab Events.

Can I get in touch with someone from CKVE who can give personal advice?
First look carefully at the subject of your question or use the search function. If you still do not have an answer to your question, please send an email to info@ckve.nl. We aim to answer your email within 48 hours.